Register an IE in Georgia
LLC registration in Georgia
LLC formation in the virtual zone of Georgia
Crypto licenses in Georgia
Ready-made companies
- close an IP in Georgia
- close a company in Georgia
IE in Georgia for freelancers:
- PayPal Business for an IE in Georgia
- Etsy for an IE in Georgia
- Upwork -20% for an IE in Georgia
Residence permit in Georgia:
- residence permit based on an IE registration
- residence permit based on an LLC formation
- residence permit based on education
- registration address for a residence permit
Relocation into Georgia:
- relocate into Georgia
- relocate IT company
Addional services:
Tax residence in Georgia
Postal service in Georgia
Virtual office in Georgia
Substance in Georgia
Translation and apostille
Accounting service
Registration of marriage in Georgia
Legal address in Georgia:
- legal address in Tbilisi
- legal address in Batumi
- legal address in Kutaisi
Accounts in Georgia:
- account for individuals in Bank of Georgia
- account for individuals in TBC Bank
- account for an IE in WISE
- account for an IE in Payoneer
Request a callback
Start an LLC in Georgia
What type of business are you planning to do? *
Interested in additional services?
open an bank account in Georgia
open an account in the payment system (Wise (ex-Transferwise), Payoneer, Paysera)
open a business account with PayPal
open a merchant account
registre personal account on a tax authority website for declaration submission
tax declaration submission from 10 € per month
requesting an additional consultation on the type of legal status
interested in the possibility of obtaining Georgian residence permit based on an LLC formation
interested in getting a Georgian SIM card with international roaming
What regions are you planning to do business with?
сustomers are mainly from the USA
сustomers are mainly from the EU countries
сustomers are mainly from the former USSR countries
сustomers are mainly from Georgia
Сontact information
Name *
Mobile number *
Email *
Submit form
Request a callback
Sh. Khimshiashvili Str., 7, Batumi
Z. Gamsakhurdia Str., 2, Tbilisi
Регистрация индивидуального предпринимателя в Грузии с
Поможем зарегистрировать компанию в Грузии удаленно
Открыть компанию со статусом микро бизнес в Грузии.
Удалённая регистрация компании в Грузии вместе с
Сдать декларацию в Грузии с помощью
Подача деклараций для компании в Грузии с помощью
Поможем открыть PayPal бизнес в Грузии.
Удаленная регистрация индивидуального предпринимателя в Грузии.
Бухгалтерская отчетность для компании в Грузии с
Поможем удаленно открыть компанию в Грузии.
Удаленная регистрация компании в Тбилиси.
Поможем открыть компанию в Батуми. Удаленно и под ключ.
Поможем получить ВНЖ по компании в Грузии. Понятно и просто.
Отрыть компанию со статусом малый бизнес в Грузии.